Tutorial: Driven Filter Circuit


Build and simulate a simple passive filter using basic bond graph modelling techniques.




BondGraphTools, Jupyter.

How to follow:

Enter each block of code in consecutive cells in a Jupyter notebook.

In part 1 of this tutorial we will demonstrate how to build and connect models using BondGraphTools by constructing a simple passive filter. Part 2 introduces control sources, and provides examples of how one can perform parameter sweeps or input comparisons.

Part 1: Basic Use

First, import BondGraphTools and create a new model with the name “RC”:

import BondGraphTools as bgt
model = bgt.new(name="RC")

Now create a new generalised linear resistor (‘R’ component), a generalised linear capacitor (“C” component) with resistance and capacitance both set to 1, and an equal effort (“0” junction) conservation law through which these components share energy.:

C = bgt.new("C", value=1)
R = bgt.new("R", value=1)
zero_law = bgt.new("0")

Add the newly created components to the model:

bgt.add(model, R, C, zero_law)

Once the components are added to the model, connect the components and the law together. (Note the first argument is the tail of the energy bond, the second is the head):

bgt.connect(R, zero_law)
bgt.connect(zero_law, C)

Draw the model to make sure everything is wired up:


which produces a sketch of the network topology.


To demonstrate that the isolated system is behaving correctly, we simulate from the initial where the C component has \(x_0=1\) and run the simulation over the time interval \((0,5)\). This results in a vector \(t\) of time points and a corresponding vector \(x\) of data points which can then be plotted against each other with matplotlib:

timespan = [0, 5]
x0 = [1]
t, x = bgt.simulate(model, timespan=timespan, x0=x0)
from matplotlib.pyplot import plot
fig = plot(t,x)

Part 2: Control

We wish to see how this filter responds to input. Add flow source by creating a new Sf component, adding to the model, and connecting it to the common voltage law:

Sf = bgt.new('Sf')
bgt.add(model, Sf)
bgt.connect(Sf, zero_law)

The model should now look something like this:


The model also now has associated with it a control variable u_0. Control variables can be listed via the attribute model.control_vars and we can observe the constitutive relations, which give the implicit equations of motion for the system in sympy form:

# returns [dx_0 - u_0 + x_0]

where x_0 and dx_0 are the state variable and it’s derivative. One can identify where that state variable came from via:

# returns {'x_0': (C: C1, 'q_0)}

Here C: C1 is a reference to the C object itself.

Part 3: Simulations

We will now run various simulations.

Firstly, we simulate with constant effort by passing the control law \(u_0=2\) to the solver and plotting the results:

timespan = [0, 5]
x0 = [1]
t, x = bgt.simulate(model, timespan=timespan, x0=x0, control_vars={'u_0':2})

Time dependent control laws can be specified as string. In this case we consider the response to a \(\pi^{-1}\) Hz sine wave:

t, x = bgt.simulate(model, timespan=timespan, x0=x0, control_vars={'u_0':'sin(2*t)'})

One can also consider the impulse response of by applying a step function input ot the control law, here $x$ and $dx$ refer to the state-space of the model:

def step_fn(t,x,dx):
    return 1 if t < 1 else 0

t, x = bgt.simulate(model, timespan=timespan, x0=x0, control_vars={'u_0':step_fn})

Finally we run a sequence of simulations where a new control law is generated based on the loop iteration:

fig = plt.figure()
for i in range(4):
    func_text = "cos({i}*t)".format(i=i)
    t_i, x_i = bgt.simulate(model, timespan=timespan, x0=x0, control_vars={'u_0':func_text})